Break the conventional barriers of time – travel through the past with KBGR

  • Learn something new about your past.
  • Discover your very own history.
  • Document your medical history.
  • Trace naturalization, military, birth, marriage, and death records.
.About KBGR

  • Professional research and investigation of family histories since 1997
  • Discovery of ancestry and immigration records, native origins and historical events
  • Research of family history for clients in New England, Mid-West and Florida
  • International immigration, naturalization, and ancestry from Ireland and Eastern Europe.
  • Specialization in assisting clients with obtaining Irish Citizenship by Descent
  • Effective use of research technology and training for clients

Find out about Your Heritage & History today.

Contact Kelly Leary at or 630-817-5970.


Are you curious about your ancestry?

Do you want to find out where you come from?

K.B. Genealogy & Research will conduct a thorough research project, and answer key questions about your cultural heritage.

Or we can train you to conduct your own research!



If you live in the United States, K.B. Genealogy & Research can help you trace and document the lives of your ancestors to find out where they immigrated from, even by conducting research activities in their native country.

If you live outside the United States, K.B. Genealogy & Research can work with you to document the lives of your ancestors who immigrated to the United States.